Abolish Bank Secrecy?

Abolish Bank Secrecy!

PLAY VIDEO ►►► Hervé Falciani - HSBC whistleblower

Bank Secrecy allows individual people and organisations to have bank accounts that cannot be reviewed or controlled by authorities or anybody else. Basically it allows them to hide money from the rest of the world. The only publicly known cases of the use of secret bank accounts are criminal uses that range from political corruption and other organized crime to tax evasion.

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Bank Secrecy, Britain's second empire.

PLAY VIDEO ►►► England and its lingering colonies

"The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire" is a documentary on the dominant role of "the City of London" in global Banking Secrecy.

Bank Secrecy is probably the greatest, but scarcely mentioned, threat to global society and in fact the planet itself. It is the gateway to corruption on the highest level, which then allows other forms of organized crime, maffias and illegal trafficking that destabalize global society:

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Abolish Bank Secrecy?


