A fresh look at Europa?

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Showing 1 - 6 of 6.  
How important are human and social values to create prosperity? How important do you rate the following concepts for a healthier European society? any other important concepts? Country
Open borders (Schengen)   X 
One coin (the Euro)   X 
The financial markets - stock exchange  X  
Profit maximization for corporations X   
Economy in general  X  
Defense of nature and the Earth   X 
Freedom of speech   X 
Gender equality   X 
Abolition of bank secrecy and tax havens   X 
Education   X 
Health care   X 
Basic Income   X 
Economic superiority  X  
Politcial superiority  X  
Military superiority  X  
Open borders (Schengen)   X 
One coin (the Euro)    X
The financial markets - stock exchange     
Profit maximization for corporations     
Economy in general  X  
Defense of nature and the Earth    X
Freedom of speech    X
Gender equality    X
Abolition of bank secrecy and tax havens    X
Education    X
Health care    X
Basic Income    X
Economic superiority X   
Politcial superiority  X  
Military superiorityX    
Open borders (Schengen)  X  
One coin (the Euro)X    
The financial markets - stock exchangeX    
Profit maximization for corporationsX    
Economy in general X   
Defense of nature and the Earth   X 
Freedom of speech    X
Gender equalityX    
Abolition of bank secrecy and tax havens   X 
Education    X
Health care   X 
Basic Income    X
Economic superiorityX    
Politcial superiorityX    
Military superiorityX    
geen corruptie, kleinschaligheid, soevereiniteit, minder overheid, eigen geldcreatie, volkse munt NL
Open borders (Schengen)    X
One coin (the Euro)    X
The financial markets - stock exchangeX    
Profit maximization for corporationsX    
Economy in generalX    
Defense of nature and the Earth    X
Freedom of speech    X
Gender equality    X
Abolition of bank secrecy and tax havens    X
Education    X
Health care    X
Basic Income   X 
Economic superiority  X  
Politcial superiority X   
Military superiorityX    
Open borders (Schengen)    X
One coin (the Euro)  X  
The financial markets - stock exchangeX    
Profit maximization for corporationsX    
Economy in general  X  
Defense of nature and the Earth    X
Freedom of speech    X
Gender equality    X
Abolition of bank secrecy and tax havens    X
Education    X
Health care   X 
Basic Income   X 
Economic superiorityX    
Politcial superiorityX    
Military superiorityX    
Open borders (Schengen)    X
One coin (the Euro)   X 
The financial markets - stock exchangeX    
Profit maximization for corporationsX    
Economy in general  X  
Defense of nature and the Earth   X 
Freedom of speech    X
Gender equality    X
Abolition of bank secrecy and tax havens    X
Education   X 
Health care   X 
Basic Income  X  
Economic superiority X   
Politcial superiority X   
Military superiority X   
sueldo máximo, transparencia política IT