Eerste "gedachtenketen"


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  • Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in _webform_localization_analysis_data_grid() (line 37 of /var/www/virtual/
  • Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in _webform_localization_analysis_data_grid() (line 37 of /var/www/virtual/

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(improving flow is in progress, thankyou :)


This page shows analysis of submitted data, such as the number of submissions per component value, calculations, and averages. Additional components may be added under the "Add analysis components" fieldset.

To what extent do you recognize yourself in this "chain of thoughts"?


(optional) How do you value the importance of the following topics for a better Europa? (the order of the topics is randomized)

Nature first00122
Free speech01122
Gender equality00213
Go non-profit (end financial speculation)00113
Abolishment of bank secrecy00204
Education system00015
Healthcare system00024
Industrial development00321
Financial markets12021
Economic growth01212
Inflation rates03111
Credit ratings of countries10300

Participant's country