A better Europe for a better Climate?

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Will a better Europa contribute to reduce Climate and Nature crisis? How do you rate the following statements? something short to clarify or suggest...? Participants' country
There is no healthy planet without healthy societies.    X
A good life is a matter of growth in happines, nature and empathy.  X  
We should not measure politics only in money.    X
We have to put nature and climate first.  X  
Extraction from the earth and extraction from human beings is the cause of all discontent.   X 
Our house is on fire, we should panic.X    
The Earth needs an International Ecocide Law to criminalize mass destruction of nature.  X  
There is no healthy planet without healthy societies.     
A good life is a matter of growth in happines, nature and empathy.     
We should not measure politics only in money.     
We have to put nature and climate first.     
Extraction from the earth and extraction from human beings is the cause of all discontent.     
Our house is on fire, we should panic.     
The Earth needs an International Ecocide Law to criminalize mass destruction of nature.