
Science as love for nature, the universe and the world that surrounds us!

PLAY VIDEO ►►► Carl Sagan 1980

At EurOpinion we think that knowing and being aware of how nature, the universe and the world that surrounds us work is an enrichment a person's life. This knowledge increases appreciation and love for this nature, this world, this universe and, indeed, this life. To some degree it's comparable to the love for music or other art forms.

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The Fibonacci sequence

PLAY VIDEO ►►► The Fibonacci sequence

Fibonacci is the name of an Italian mathematician who in the year 1202 introduced a very special number sequence in Europe that had been known in India for centuries.

The rule of this sequence is so simple that even children can understand or even 'invent' it. Starting with 0 and 1, each next number is the sum of the previous two: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 ... and so on to infinity.

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Quantum theory - entanglement

PLAY VIDEO ►►► Quantum entanglement

Quantum physics stands at the base of all existence. It implies matter, space, energy and possibly vibration and maybe even time and reality. Until some hundred years ago life was simple and all matter was supposed to be build out of atoms. They were thought to be the smallest undividable parts of matter as if they were tiny marbles.

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Europa of the people

Europa of politics

Nature First?

Free Speech?


Go non-profit?

Abolish Bank Secrecy?


