
A better Europe for a better Climate?

PLAY VIDEO ►►► A better Europa for a better Climate?

European Elections 23 - 26 May 2019
VOTE for the change EU want to see in the system instead of in the climate!

European Spring -

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Open letter to Greta and Polly

PLAY VIDEO ►►► Polly and Greta protecting Earth and Climate


Click here for the video (4 min.) >>>

Dear, dear Greta,

first of all, thank you for everything that you are doing and also everything that I guess you will be doing in the crucial next few years! I admire what you're achieving.

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How to keep the Climate Movement alive?

PLAY VIDEO ►►► George Monbiot - out of the wreckage

(work in progress)
In his article "Young climate strikers can win their fight. We must all help." journalist and writer George Monbiot explores the possibilities to keep the Climate Movement alive, instead of breaking up or getting stuck as has happened before with other movements.

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Do you consider mass destruction of nature a crime?

PLAY VIDEO ►►► Ecocide is a Crime - Polly Higgins

Since forever big industry has been practically free to destroy nature, the climate and the Earth without any limit or consequences.

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Europa's potential?

PLAY VIDEO ►►► The European Tree carries many different types of fruit

Our world is facing many fundamental problems that exceed the capacity of individual countries to solve them. If we do not deal very quickly with these problems in a large-scale collective human effort, global society or even the planet itself may not reach the end of this century, at least not in a healthy way. In fact, a considerable part of the human and animal population, and disturbing portions of the Earth have already reached that point and do nothing but fight for their mere survival. The situation is becoming increasingly unstable and unsustainable.

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Climate emergency

Climate Emergency!

What is a Climate Emergency Declaration? (The Climate Mobilization)
A Declaration of Climate Emergency is a resolution passed by a governing body such as a city council, a county board of supervisors, a state legislature, or even a national government. It puts the government on record in support of emergency action to reverse global warming. Resolutions vary around the world, with many governments including local climate impacts and new climate goals in their resolution.

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Questions by categories



Europa of the people

Europa of politics

Nature First?

Free Speech?


Go non-profit?

Abolish Bank Secrecy?


