
Nature First!

PLAY VIDEO ►►► Climate Protest and Ecocide Law go hand in hand

Planet Earth with all its nature is the mother, the cradle and home of the human species, as it is of all life.

Nature, climate and our Earth are essential for the survival of humanity and of life itself. They should be loved, taken care of and protected. EurOpinion deems it of the highest global priority, that's why Nature is our first point of attention. Several areas can be distinguished, amongst which:

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Global Strike 4 Future - Milan, polls in the street

PLAY VIDEO ►►► Awareness today, Action tomorrow!

After submitting this form you will be automatically taken to the results as charts.
If you want to learn how mass destruction of nature (Ecocide) can be turned into a crime, please see "Do you consider mass destruction of nature a crime?" in the "Nature First" section or click the link to open now in a new tab. (improving logistics of the web is work in progress)

Climate and Ecocide, NOT just Another Brick in the Wall - Pink Floyd, Global Climate Strike version
(played during the evening march in Milan - Milano per il Clima - see video)

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Austrian World Summit 2019 - Greta Thunberg

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Do we manifest reality with our thoughts?

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Questions by categories



Europa of the people

Europa of politics

Nature First?

Free Speech?


Go non-profit?

Abolish Bank Secrecy?


