¿Una renovada mirada a Europa?

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Chart results

A fresh look at Europa?

How important are human and social values to create prosperity?

Number of responses: 6

Open borders (Schengen)

Number of responses: 6

One coin (the Euro)

Number of responses: 6

The financial markets - stock exchange

Number of responses: 5

Profit maximization for corporations

Number of responses: 5

Economy in general

Number of responses: 6

Defense of nature and the Earth

Number of responses: 6

Freedom of speech

Number of responses: 6

Gender equality

Number of responses: 6

Abolition of bank secrecy and tax havens

Number of responses: 6


Number of responses: 6

Health care

Number of responses: 6

Basic Income

Number of responses: 6

Economic superiority

Number of responses: 6

Politcial superiority

Number of responses: 6

Military superiority

Number of responses: 6


Number of responses: 6

Las preguntas por categoría



Europa of the people

Europa of politics

Nature First?

Free Speech?


Go non-profit?

Abolish Bank Secrecy?


